Is Eating Red Meat Healthy?

Long-term has warned us of the dangers of red meat due to an association of heart disease and cancer risk. Highly processed meats like bologna, salami, and hot dogs have been labeled a Class 1 carcinogen. But suddenly an abundance of “studies” came out recently exonerating meat.

What should we think about all this? It is important to know that about 2/3 of all studies are industry-funded. Meaning that McDonald’s can back a study about red meat. It’s also important to know that industry-funded studies are 4 to 8 times more likely to find in favor of the industry paying for the study. In a truly scientific purist environment, this wouldn’t be possible.

A well-designed study would yield whatever results occurred and they would be reported in an unbiased fashion. Here’s the kicker: an industry-funded study is under no obligation to publish the results of a study it doesn’t like. This is very unfortunate when it comes to a certain food, but it’s downright deadly when it’s done by a pharmaceutical company.

Yet we hear of this time and time again. They didn’t “like” the results so they performed a new study, trying to bolster the weak points somehow to yield a more favorable result. Or, study data can actually be manipulated to reveal a more positive result. In this video, I review some troubling information at the back of the “new research” exonerating red meat.

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