What to do About the Coronavirus

What to do About the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus is on everyone’s mind. It’s time to do everything you can to boost your immune system and that of your family.

The news mostly focuses on washing your hands, not touching your face, and avoiding large gatherings where one might come into contact with someone who’s ill. These are valid steps to take but there’s so much more you can do.

Lifestyle wise here are 5 Key Tips:

1. Sleep 8 hours – it’s the amount of time needed to fully recharge your immune system.

2. Eat no sugar – viruses LOVE sugar

3. Hydrate – 8 glasses of purified water per day. Hydrating flushes toxins and bad organisms from your body.

4. Sweat – either from exercise or from a hot bath or sauna. Raising your body temperature boosts your immune response.

5. Nutrient-rich diet. There’s a lot to be said on this point but suffice to say, grab those fresh vegetables and fruits – 9 servings per day is a great start. Finally supplement with the best.

We are fully restocked with our powerful immune-boosting supplements, that actually work.

Vitamin C – ours has been researched and proven to raise NK cells, your immune defense army.

Vitamin D – actually a combination of liquid D3/K2 to maintain the balance of these important fat-soluble vitamins. Good vitamin D levels decrease your risk of infection and particularly fight against viruses.

Vitamin A – we have a liquid micellized product that is effectively absorbed. Vitamin A is anti-inflammatory and particularly empowering to the mucus membrane linings of your lung where coronavirus strikes.

Zinc – the most powerful mineral for your immune system, our zinc lozenge is the best delivery system of this mineral, enhancing its strong anti-viral effects.

Bio-active Silver – unlike colloidal silver of the past, Argentyn -23 is a company that creates a nano-sized particle of silver that we’ve been impressed with for years. Silver kills viruses, bacteria, parasites, and all inhospitable organisms. It tastes like water and can be used orally or as a nasal spray.

Contact us for a Free Consultation – Call (408) 733-0400.

If you are not local to us you can still receive help. It is the reason we created our Destination Clinic that treats patients from across the country and internationally.

We help the world’s busiest people regain, retain, and reclaim their health, energy, and resilience.

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