4 Tips for Longevity

The first 3 tips are free; so is the last one

I’m fascinated with longevity. Once I learned our organs are designed to last for 120 years, I was hooked.

Why don’t we live to our full potential?

What are we doing wrong?

There are many expensive IVs, stem cell injections, cryotherapy chambers, and more. These are valid therapies but certainly not available to most Americans.

Therefore I want to focus on basic, easy, and mostly free tips.


Ok, you may need a water purifier or purchase some bottled clean water, but it’s a basic that we all have to hand in some fashion.

We are mostly dehydrated however and it’s prematurely aging us.

The number “8” is going to come up again in this blog, but here it is the first time.

Yes, 8 glasses of clean, purified water is a good amount to shoot for on a daily basis. Spread out your water 1 cup at a time and try not to drink while you eat.


This one is completely free of charge!

Are you sleeping enough? Per many studies and a great book, Why We Sleep, 8 hours per night is ideal. As promised our second “8” of the blog.

Per the author Professor Matthew Walker, the shorter you sleep, the shorter your life – pretty simple.


Not eating costs nothing, but let’s get specific.

It turns out that periods of not eating are necessary to promote longevity. We were “designed” to fast and certain anti-aging genes and biological pathways are “upregulated” or activated in the absence of food.

How long should you fast? I truly Dr. Valter Longo and Dr. Dale Bredesen, incredible scientists who agree on the 12-hour fasting window. Dr. Bredesen adds the “3/12” rule to that, stating that 3 hours should occur between your last meal and bedtime.

In sum, if dinner is at 8 pm, don’t go to bed before 11 pm, and don’t eat breakfast until 8 am. It’s pretty easy to consider you’re sleeping for those recommended 8 hours as mentioned above.

Eat 120 of these…

Did you guess what I’m referring to?

Dan Buettner, author of Blue Zones and an aging expert stated the best “supplement” you could take was 120 beans or about 1 cup.

Populations of the Blue Zones who regularly live to well over 100, have a daily diet of at least 1 cup of beans every day.

While beans aren’t free the good news is that they’re pretty darn cheap.

Don’t worry about lectins; once you cook the beans they’re all gone.


Yes, we have returned to another free tip.

Exercise is critical for health and longevity.

What’s best? Whatever you’ll do.

How often? The recommendation is 45 minutes of moderate exercise as many days of the week as possible, at least 5 days.

A combination of stretching, strengthening, and aerobics is ideal, but if exercise is new to you, whatever you can do daily is perfect.

Longevity and anti-aging are not hard to achieve

I’m studying many aspects of longevity right now and you’ll be hearing more from me on this exciting topic.

As I started this blog mentioning, many of the tools available are costly and sophisticated. That’s fine for many but in this blog, I wanted to keep it simple and let you know that there’s a great deal of control you can exert upon your longevity for literally free.

Are you “feeling” your age?

Are you feeling younger than your chronological age or older?

If you’re not happy with how your body is feeling or aging, please reach out.

The human body is a very tough, strong machine. It’s designed to live to 120 and it loves to repair when given the proper assistance.

Let us help

If you’re not enjoying the great health you deserve, please reach out.

We specialize in identifying the underlying reason your body is not functioning at its best.

We have great tools to really get the answers of not only “why”, but also “what” can be done about it.

Contact us for a Free Consultation – Call (408) 733-0400.

If you are not local to us you can still receive help. It is the reason we created our Destination Clinic that treats patients from across the country and internationally.

We help the world’s busiest people regain, retain, and reclaim their health, energy, and resilience.

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